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Full Fuzzy

Full Fuzzy

Inspired by VonMises’ defining work on Perfect and Full Spectrums, SquiggleDAO decided to analyze a community favorite: Fuzzies. And we found 5 Full Spectrum Fuzzies.

Some people might mistake them as Perfects because they look like they also have 256 colors, but Perfects have 255.5 color hues – rounding to 256 – so they are showing 255 full colors and color number 256 just partially. Showing each of the 256 colors exactly once. No color is repeating.

In contrast, these fuzzies have 256.3 hues. They also round to 256, but in this case they do have one color repeating (they are showing partially the first color again). It also can be seen by checking the starting and ending color, which will be the same, making them Fulls not Perfects.

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